
Genres:  action, slice of life, comedy, school, ecchi

Themes: fanservice, fighting, guns, weapons, yuri

Objectionable content:  significant – violence, mature themes


The phrase girls with guns really does hit the perfect mark here!

Okay so we have a teacher who comes to a new school to teach, he, whose name is never stated quickly finds out the school he now teaches at is not normal, as all students and all of the other teachers are the physical humanoid manifestations of various guns. Because of this he must learn how these “students” are different from normal and get used to them, and they must get use to him as well, after all, he’s the only human in the entire school.

In all honesty upotte!! Is a very fun anime that does do what it sets out to do, if what it set out to do is  create comedy and give you tidbits of information about random guns. You do remember some of the info they give you but most of it is lost among the comedy of the story, and only halfway through do they bring in story arcs that change things up with actual opponents and enemies.

Give it a shot I say, and then decide for yourself!


Story/plot: 5.7

Character interactions/relations:6.4

Actions/ events:8.9



Posted on March 17, 2013, in Action, Comedy, Ecchi, School, slice of life and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Upotte!!.

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